(Originally run 3/7/04 on our old site)
Don Thompson
Your call for senior pictures isn't going unheard, even if it is the same old same old responding. Maybe some of the younger set will take the hint and submit some mug shots.
September 19, 2001, a group of us class '54 and some class '53 folks attended a performance of theplay “You Can't Take it With You”, at the Arkansas Rep Theater in Little Rock. This was the senior play the class of '54 presented April 30, 1954.
Anita Fuller spearheaded the get-together, and arranged through her daughter, Karen, to have our mini reunion at the theater presented on Channel 7's “Good Morning Arkansas” the next day.
The senior thespians shown in the group picture taken after the play are:
(Front row, l-r) Mary Ann Johnson Fuller, Dorothy Quattlebaum, Jeanette Coward Weir, Mary Beth Cook Spangler, Judy Rice Yates, Betty Brown, and Paula Windsor Peacock Thompson. (Back row, l-r) William Harold "Cotton" Fuller, Bryant Quattlebaum, Donald Thompson, Anita Hart Fuller, Bobby Fuller, Carolyn Thompson Nicholson, and Tommy Brown.
Earlier in the day
, we had coffee at The Community Bakery, and Daphne Knight Hall joined us, but could not attend the play.
There you have it: some seniors indulging in their favorite pastimes, eating and partying.
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