(Originally run 3/11/04 on our old site)
Anita Hart Fuller
To set the record straight: the little old white haired lady in the Searcy Public Library (or was it the White County Public Library?) was Miss Blanche Debois. She had no teeth, as I recall, or maybe just a "few".....
Miss Angie Mae Dellinger was the lunch room supervisor, and mother of Dorothy Dellinger Young. Dorothy was 99 yr. old when she died, but "pushing" l00, according to MY mother, 95 yrs. old and pushing 96. Mother says she thinks she drove up until a few years before her death.
Out of here; we're off to K.C. to babysit grandkids so some others can start up something to recall and argue about. Mary Kay, I can't believe you're reading this and keeping quiet!!!
Well, not ENTIRELY quiet – she just prefers to remain anonymous. Perhaps she was the one who sent the following:
Miss Blanche DuBois was the librarian for many years. She lived with her sister Miss Opal DuBois in a frame two story house at the top of that really steep hill just south of the gym. When we couldn't think of any other entertainment, we would go to the library and try to check out The Naked and The Dead. She never would let us have it, but would not tell us WHY we couldn't have it.
Dorothy Dellinger taught English in high school. Her job was taken by Lois Thornton when Dorothy married. Her mother Angie Mae Dellinger (little white haired woman) ran the lunch-room
Susie Hoffman Boyett
I probably didn't communicate as well as I should have. It was Dorothy's mother, Angie Mae Dillinger, who ran the school cafeteria. (I believe Dorothy taught school here in Searcy for a while).Also, I took a minute to go back through old minutes. Miss Blanche retired as both city and county librarian in 1956; Mrs. Bishop was not hired until the early 70's
If I wanted to send you an amusing story about the train from Searcy to Kensett, could I photocopy it and fax it to you for consideration? Our scanner leaves something to be desired.
You were very clear, Susie, but your Faithful Editor is out of practice at taking notes and asking the right questions.
My thanks to all of you for coloring in the outline of some dear experiences. Those of us who used the library facilities during our “growing up years,” not only cherish the experience, but have continued it to this day … which is not a bad legacy at all. –tlp-
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