Tree missing from SW corner of our Court Square... who recovered seeds???
Hello again from Mary Kay...
Still learning how to manipulate this blog... I have invited Anita Hart Fuller and also Draxie Jean Horn Rogers to be "authors" on this blog. That means they may post their memories and current happenings here for us all to read... Also they may post pictures when they figure out how to do it. So far I'm not much help... I'm still in the learning curve.......
Here are some pictures that I took of the South West corner of our court house 12, 29-2015 after a big storm....... can you tell what is missing in these pictures????
Please try to comment... If you cannot ... I guess I need to explore how to turn on the Comments.... :) mkay
I found a few of the tiny cedar "cones"... I have them in a zip lock bag... should have planted some seeds... in the spring.... well... remind me and I may do that yet... Now just how large would that tree be in ( in my flower pot) ........ 10 years?
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