Saturday, February 11, 2006


Cliff Wiggs

Hey Tom,

Look at this sentence and tell me what is wrong with it:

Well, Barth Grayson, my publisher, was kind enough to take both my Mom and I out there for lunch.

Now, take the words"both my Mom and" out. Is this correct? Nope, should be "me". "Both my Mom and Me".

What am I gonna do with you?

I majored in English … at the school of hard knocks.

Tom Pry

(1) Has anyone ever heard of a J. B. H. Edwards? Born in 1934 somewhere here in White County (which would make him the class of 52 someplace). Someone’s looking for him so, if you know him, you contact me or have him contact me, would you?

(2) It started about 12:30 Friday just west of town, where we live. By 1:30, this was it. Thought you’d be interested.

(3) As things stand now, Karen and I are going over to Jonesboro next Saturday (the 18th); Karen so she can finally meeting Ernie S., me so I can finally meet Shelia S. Stay tuned for pictures, etc.

Shortly after writing this, I got a call from Shelia. Ernie picked up an infection somewhere, and it’s landed him in the hospital, under sedation, and on a ventilator. While Ernie is very much a private soul, I have taken it upon myself to tell you, and to suggest that a stray prayer or two would NOT be out of place.

(4) From the Class of 58, we nudge your memory with this picture of Darrel Clay. He was put back a couple of years by a bone disease, so you might remember him most often as having a cast or two on his arms.

No, not child abuse but, rather, a bone disease that hits young people and makes their bones horribly prone to breaking. They DO grow out of it.

I put his picture in here because Karen has been working with Darrel’s wife, Thelma, for a couple of years and they just recently put 2+2 together.

(5) I’ve got a great piece from Anita Fuller … if I can find it in my files. Stay tuned Sunday.


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