Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Just got a nice present from Jim Bohannon, along with this note:

All former Searcy High School graduating classes are encouraged to join the Class of ’57 classmates for visitation from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Eagleview, on Saturday, June 2nd.

The present he enclosed is a copy of the book he put together for the Reunion proper attendees, and it is a monumentally impressive work. Technically and artistically impeccable, he put a very keen mind to work, along with his computer expertise, and came up with a true Keepsake.

Technically, I could’ve done it … but practically and artistically, I couldn’t have come close.

Nice going, Jimbo: see you 6/2/07, 4-6, at Eagleview.

Oh … how do you get to Eagleview? Follow Hwy 16N out of town. Stay in the right hand lane (yeah, it’s four-laned for awhile now). When you reach the point just north of town where that outside lane is marked “Right Turn Only,” turn right, then follow that picturesque road for about two miles. Eagleview will be on the right and, if you can’t find it, have your glasses checked.



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