Saturday, June 02, 2007


I must be honest and say that, back in The Day, Clifton Carson would NOT have been at the top of my list of potential published writers. I would’ve been wrong.

Following are a few notes from Clifton about his latest exposition. Check him out.

My latest article is running #1. "Revealed: Why You Sons and Daughters died in Iraq."

Just go to , then click populist party in the upper left. Select daily commentaries, scroll down to "Revealed: Why your sons and daughters died in Iraq.” On that listing, I also wrote “Should Bush be allowed to choose which laws he will obey?”

At the end of the article will be a statement showing what articles have been published by me. They have Select and read

My home page is Netscape and now that the article is more than 24 hours old, it has been moved back to page 13, I believe.

I got more positive votes than anyone else posting on Netscape has in May I believe; at least I know I'm in the top ten.

I have now had three Articles published and am getting back on my book writing. I do believe that if I wasn't so busy consulting I could really write some stuff. But then again the consulting pays good money and the writing is, well you know what I mean. So far, I haven't received any negative reaction to my articles, they have all been positive.

I turn 69 in June and I have promised myself I'm not keeping this working up past Jan 1, 2008. Sound like a New Years resolution? Hopefully it will be better observed than the majority of resolutions.


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