Saturday, March 04, 2006


Tom Pry

First, I have no further word on Ernie. His wife, Shelia, cut off communication with me a week ago, offended by something I had innocently written for all of you (since removed from the site), and Stuart (Ernie’s surviving son) has not responded to my last e-mail.

If I hear anything, I’ll post it immediately.

Gene Barnett

Take a listen to this, it’s sssoooooo cool:

(Note: You may have to try this several times over a couple of days because whoever owns the site only gets so many hits a day to use. –tlp-)

Roland King

You asked about the french kissing of the football Homecoming court. Did anyone know when or if that happened? I played football from '49 through '54 and I seemed to remember something like that in the early 50s, as you said. I want to say that it was the '52 team that graduated in '53. Roger Vaughan or Dean Langford might remember.

I’ve heard various names, like Susie Hoffman Boyett, Sid Quattlebaum, and others. Does make me curious, though. Anyone remember?


I’ve received an out-of-town query rather desperately trying to find out what ever happened to Brenda Daniels. If anyone can help out with that, please get in touch with me. I’ve already spoken with Frank Thompson (who’s decided to rejoin the human race and, actually, sounded quite cheerful, as did his lovely bride, Sandy) and Sue Deans Eckdahl and her husband, Sonny.

Available evidence so far would seem to indicate that, sometime in 1958, she climbed into a hole, and then pulled the hole in after her.

This one’s kind of important, boys and girls so, if you can help, please do so.


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