CLASS OF 56 - THE BIG 50th - Part 8
Okay, here we go with Mary Kay's take on the Reunion, and I'll get them all posted just as fast as I can get them captioned.

Earth-shattering. That's Larry Cofer's wife,
Elsie Mae, sitting in front in the middle,
probably trying to figure out how she's
going to get it all in her next book.

As a totally uninteresting aside, my very first class
assignment/project at SHS was with these two. We
were to take any scene in Julius Caesar and re-write it in
teen-talk. We chose 1-I, the famous "Friends, Romans,
Countrymen" scene. I'm happy to report that no copies of
our work survive to shame Shakespeare .. or ourselves.

A TECHNICAL TIP FOR THE COMPUTER TYRO: When you move your cursor over a photo, you'll note that the pointer turns into a hand. This means that photo is actually called a "thumbnail." If you'll click on it, you'll get a larger version of the picture in a separate window. If you RIGHT CLICK that, you'll get a menu that, among other things, gives you the option to "Save image as". If you click that, a window opens up that allows you select where you'd like to save that picture on your hard drive. Simple, isn't it? (Trust me, it sounds more complicated than it actually is).
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